How to clean acrylic painting
You have probably seen the pros cleaning acrylic paintings and we can all agree it looks very satisfying, getting the dirt off the painting gives it a whole new lease of life. As well as this it also benefits from elevating the colors. Sometimes you may have even seen instances of people painting and uncovering the painting underneath Which i think is super interesting .
You will need a certain number of tools, including small brushes and some solvents for cleaning as well you will probably need a small q tip.

how to clean an oil painting
Use a cotton cloth or cotton wool soaked in soapy water. A natural soap works the best because it will not contain any nasties or chemicals in it. Simply rub this cloth gently over the painting. You should quickly be able to see the amount of grime that comes off it. This being said you need to make sure to renew your water often so you do not contaminate the painting
How to clean a painting on canvas
One needs to watch out for certain things when cleaning paintings on canvas. If there is a lot of impasto, you need to make sure that the paint will not snap or break when you are cleaning. This would leave the painting looking broken and not great. So please be gentle when you are cleaning these paintings.
How to clean an oil painting on canvas
This is similar. We recommend cotton cloth and using an olive oil based soap. Try to use the hot water sparingly and do not use too much. You may see areas where a thin layer has appeared of dirt or grime. Gently rub this down and you will see the grime disappearing.
I also recommend taking close up pictures of your painting and the details. This will also make sure that you can go back to it when you are cleaning it and make sure you have not gone too far or perhaps broken an aspect of it.
For more cleaning tips, find out how to clean a jute rug.
Cleaning oil paintings with vinegar
As we know – Vinegar is a light acid. This does mean it can burn through certain substances and therefore is a great cleaner. If you are going to clean an oil painting with vinegar, make sure it is distilled vinegar. INstead of spraying a large amount on the painting , try and pour a little i
How to clean an acrylic painting on canvas
Another thing to add is make sure you are using distilled water. This makes sure there are no nasties in the water itself that may react with your painting. Also make sure you use a natural bar soap and not a hand gel with alcohol or anything similar. This too could dissolve the paint.

you have to be careful incase the oil paint is loose
The other important thing to note is that oil paint is pretty much resistant to water as the oil forms a film like layer. This being said you cannot use this method to clean watercolour paint. As it may gravely damage the painting. You can however use this method on acrylic.
Can google identify paintings
Google actually can identify some paintings it is also rather simple. All you need to do is this thing that is super great simply log into google images, and search the image you are searching. This in theory should get you to where you want to find. .
Abstract prints what to buy
You may be overwhelmed with what to buy especially when it comes to abstract prints. Because it’s hard to tell what is good and bad . I am here today to tell you what you can look out for when it comes to buying a new abstract print, and obviously what to AVOID. This is super important. It can be easy to get the wrong thing. So without further ado let us find out some of the things that get our art minds ticking!
How to clean marks off canvas paint
Cleaning marks off canvas can be tricky. It is slightly different to the canvas painting. Cleaning specific marks can be totally damaging so it is important to remember this and be prepared. It can sometimes help to know what the mark in question is. If it is perhaps mud or food, there are some options but other things are a lot more tricky.
How to clean a canvas print picture
This is similar. You will need a cloth and some soap. Lukewarm water is the best to use as it will not scald the painting nor be too cold. You could also think about using solvents. Although you do need to be careful when using solvents. As they could do your painting serious damage.
How to clean smudges off canvas
If the smudges are not too bad you can easily brush them off with a cloth or even feather duster. This generally gets rid of some tough stains. This being said the more stubborn stains may never want to come out. Make sure you are using the right solvent and mamke sure you really read the instructions.
Hope you liked my Home remedy for cleaning oil paintings. Let me know if you try it and it goes well. Always remember to go sparingly because you can always add but not take away more.
how to identify a real oil painting
Wondering how to identify a real oil painting?
Well let me tell you it’s easier than you think. First you gotta think of one thing. Can I see the ridges where the oil paint is? If the answer is yes you are on the first step to finding the right things. Next up is looking to see if there is a signature on the painting or the canvas. Usually there us with an oil painting all you need to do is find this and you are well on your way to finding out the secrets of this oil painting.
If you try to clean an oil painting it will repel the water and form little droplets of water. This can also be a way to prove that you have an oil painting.
We welcome you to find out some of this stuff yourself and email us with your findings. For more DIY info, find out how to make a Tyre chair